
Maintaining Your Lawn Throughout the Year

Tailored Lawn Care

We carry out a range of services throughout the year depending on your requirements. Take a look through the specialist areas we cover, get in touch with us to discuss any of these areas further.


Regular aeration of your lawn is essential when it comes to creating a healthy lawn. Aeration can be carried out throughout the year, unless the ground is frozen or very dry.

By completing this process drainage and nutrient uptake is improved, with soil being stimulated, ensuring a strong and colourful lawn. A professional aeration machine is fitted with different types of metal tines: slitting (fracture) tines, solid tines and hollow tines. 

Slitting (Fracture) Tines

Using the weight of the machine, it drives blades into the soil, with slightly offset blades they gouge the soil as they exit the turf, leaving a cut in the lawn. This is our most common maintenance aeration.

Solid Tine Aeration

The solid tine machine drives spikes into the soil, as these spikes are withdrawn the ground will move slightly which loosens compacted soil particles. This machine is used instead of the fracture machine where access may be difficult in dry summer soil.

Hollow Tine Aeration

The tines in this machine resemble an apple corer, removing plugs of soil at a time. Depending on the soil type, these plugs may be left to break down on the lawn or they can be swept up. This approach to aeration doesn’t put the turf under a high level of stress and ensures (when renovating a lawn) that soil is brought to the surface to enhance seed germination.

Scarifying & Raking

Successful lawn management includes scarifying and moss raking during spring and autumn, or when the lawn is actively growing.


Using a powered machine fitted with small knives on the understand, scarifying involves vigorous raking to remove thatch, debris and decaying matter that affect the lawns health. Depending on the level of thatch in the lawn, there may be seeding, and repair work required. It’s essential that scarifying is timed properly at the end of a period of growth, ideally Autumn.

Moss Raking

Carried out primarily in Spring, we use a large machine to rake the lawn, fitted with wire tines rather than knives, this process focuses on raking rather than cutting. This ensures minimal damage to the lawn while clearing problematic debris and moss.
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